2023 Showcase Sale Forms

Hello AKGA Members! We are excited to let you know the 2023 Showcase Sale  Rules & Consignment forms are now available for download. Please remember that consignments fees are due by April 30. Also, if you are interested in placing an ad in the sale catalog, ads are due by May 15. This year catalog will be a […]

2022 Scholarship Application

AKGA Scholarship Committee The scholarship committee is pleased to announce applications are open for 2022 American Kiko Goat Association™ Scholarship. Please click the link for review qualifications, requirements and the application form to be submitted with entry. Don’t hesitate! The mail deadline for application’s is May 15, 2022. Click here for the 2022 AKGA Scholarship […]

2022 Sale Rule Amended

AKGA Members the 2022 Sale committee met on Thursday 3/31/2022 to continue our planning for the sale and meeting. The committee evaluated the impact current fuel prices would have on members bringing consignment to the sale. The committee unanimously agreed to allow up to 10 lots max. / per member farm. Lot Consignment mix Your […]

2022 WVU Performance Test

AKGA members if you are interested in performance testing bucks from your farm, here is the info and guidelines for the West Virginia University buck performance test. Scott A. Bowdridge, PH.D. is the Test Program Coordinator and Associate Professor for WVU. Here is a link to the Guidelines and Nomination Form: WVU Info Link Important […]

CBL Amendment – Reminder

The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at the Annual Meeting of the members, or at a Special Member Meeting called by the Board of Directors, by a 2/3 majority of those members that are, in person, by proxy, or by electronic means. Proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws for consideration at the Annual Meeting […]

2022 Nominations Opening

The President’s seat and 3 Board of Directors positions are expiring this 2022 year. Nominations are open from 3/20/2022 until 4/15/2022. Please email secretary@kikogoats.com your nominations for the President and vacating director seats. Expiring – President – James Sanders Expiring – Vice-President – Kellen Weissenbach Expiring – Registrar – Matt Cantrell Expiring – Treasurer – Karen Severn After the new BOD is installed, […]